Tinpot Terminator #Janathon #Day14

This morning’s frost was a shock to my system as the cold tried to evade the cosy confines of my duvet.

I had to go to the bike shop to get the stem of my road bike flipped round, to give me a more comfortable riding position and I fancied a swim… not forgetting the obligatory run.

It wasn’t until noon that I ventured out, sorted the bike and returned to the mothership. I flung some running gear on and made my Janathon run effort the mile to the pool. I debated a three mile route to the pool, but wanted to be gentle with the legs today. I’m glad I went the more direct route as my swimming bag kept slipping off my shoulders meaning I had to hold onto the drawstring with one hand.

The momentum of my free arm swinging put me out of kilter and I had a left-hand tendency, much like every clockwork toy I had as a child. 1970s me would spend ages constructing elaborate bases out of dominoes, Stickle Bricks, nan’s pill bottles (anything I could lay my hands on) and send a cog powered mechanoid on a route to their destruction. If the incompetent automaton didn’t lose impetus on the shagpile carpet before reaching it’s target it would invariably veer off course at the last minute. As the android buffoon got ensnared in the tassels of the sofa, an artillery bombardment was usually the base’s downfall.

I had a quite pleasing swim in the laned pool and the aquatic massage left my legs feeling full of potential for tomorrow… the almost halfway mark!

Now winter is finally happening my wife is under clear instruction to place me in a large cardboard box, full of old newspaper, and secrete me under the bed until spring… like the Blue Peter tortoise. Hopefully I can hold my bladder for a couple of months.

1 mile donated to the cause.

About Miles

After accruing quite a few items from Jean Paul Gaultier’s Junior Gaultier line I decided to catalogue them, both as an aide-mémoire and a resource for other collectors. I am definitely NOT an expert on Junior Gaultier (or anything), so if you spot any inaccuracies or have additional information, please let me know.
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3 Responses to Tinpot Terminator #Janathon #Day14

  1. I am totally with you about the frost being a shock to the system! It’s been so mild an it was the first time that my toes really hurt because they were cold. Once I’d warmed up though I really enjoyed it. Well done for getting in the pool for a swim. Brrrrrr!

  2. Well done on your mile – not easy in the cold today!

  3. Well done on the mile especially whilst carrying a very awkward swinging bag!
    Nearly halfway, very exciting!

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